Graham Compassion School was founded in 2018 with a population of 160 pupils from pre-school (PP1) to Grade 2 with the goal of meeting educational needs of the community
As at 2022, the school has a population of 341 pupils, 11 teachers and 6 support staff. The school has remained focused in providing quality education to the needy children.
In equipping our children for the world beyond school, we offer computer lesson for grade 1 to grade 6 learners, Quality lunch program with balanced diet meeting nutritional needs.
Our teachers are qualified. The Teacher learner ratio of 1:34 ensures each learner is attended to uniquely and individually. Our fee is affordable, allowing children from diverse background to learn in ambient and Christian environment suitable for spiritual growth.
Lunch session at the school
Setting the table for lunch
Praying for the Meal
At Grahams Compassion School, We are committed to see children grow into holistic adults. We provide them with opportunities of growth. friendly learning learning environment with child friendly and modern play equipment. Children also have opportunities to learn and play different games such as Table Tennis, Darts, Scrabble among others.