Child Development Programs

KE0273 Rusinga Lakeside Baptist Child Development Center is supported by Compassion International, Kenya Office offers the following activities;
- Identification of children from needy families for sponsorship
- Pay school fees and uniforms for sponsored children
- Cater for medical needs of sponsored children
- Economically empowering of the parents of sponsored children.
- Assist the sponsored children family in purchasing items by gift funds from sponsors
- Support sponsored children families in food security
- Support sponsored children to acquire different skills
Our Child Development Programs

In our goal to release children from poverty in Jesus name, we have employed diverse holistic child development programs to see the children grow up into fulfilled Christian adults. These ranges from Caregiver empowerment programs, Child Development through sponsorship program and Child Survival Interventions.

Spiritual Development
Spiritual development. begins with the knowledge of God’s Word. This brings the understanding of who God is. The children and youths are taught spiritual concepts and are able to understand Christian theological concepts, memory scriptures and share stories from the Bible. They should be able to reflect on a biblical worldview in their thinking and lives which lead them to demonstrates commitment to the Lordship of Christ

Cognitive Development
Cognitive development supports the children on how they perceive themselves, how they think and gain an understanding of the world. The children are supported with school requirement that would otherwise make them stay out of school. We pay for them school fees, provide full school uniform and shoes. These interventions help them as they advance successfully in formal education. We support them to complete primary schools and advancing in secondary schools and colleges or universities whenever possible. The children will at the end should be able to exhibits the motivation and skills to be economically self supporting

Socio-Emotional Development
Socio-emotional development empowers the children in self expression and the ability to interact with others in an appropriate way. It also equips them with knowledge of self and concern for others. They will be able to make responsible decisions as they develop resilience.

Physical Development
Physical Development/Health development gives the child motivation to chooses good health practices and is also physically healthy Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Physical development involves promoting the conditions that allow beneficiaries to reach and sustain their full physical capacity. The children are always screened annually to detect any health condition for early management. Both the caregivers and children are also taught on health topics like ASRH, disease prevention and WASH among others. Our caregivers are also triggered using Community Led Total Sanitation to improve on their hygiene standards.