Lakeside Baptist Church-Kenya was established in 1984 on Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya in East Africa, to offer Holistic Ministry among the Abasuba tribe along the Kavirondo Gulf.

Abasuba is a marginalized tribe in Kenya. Its language is listed third by UNESCO as a dialect facing extinction. New Testament was translated into the Abasuba language in 1994 by the Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Lakeside Baptist Church has planted several churches on Mfangano and Rusinga Islands, as well as on the main lands of Gembe, Lambwe and all across the Homa Bay County, Western Kenya.

Lakeside Baptist Church works with Lowlands Baptist Association, under The Baptist Convention of Kenya, which is the umbrella organization and the license holder of The Baptist Church activities in Kenya.

KE0273 Lakeside Baptist CDC

KE0273 Child Development Center is a children ministry program at Lakeside Baptist Church supported by Compassion International, Kenya Office offers the following activities;

The CDC team comprise of the beneficiary: children to who we focus our development focus, The Staff both Child development workers, part time teachers and Support Staff, and the Accountability Structure Management members who oversight and manage the CDC Programs

The Lakeside Baptist CDC Journey